From 7 september – 20 october 2019 left gallery took residence in a brick and mortar public art institution Stroom Den Haag.
left gallery is an online platform that produces and sells works of art as downloadable objects. These objects exist in limited editions, available for purchase. once purchased, buyers receive a cryptographic ‘token’ as proof of ownership. In rite of access, this token mechanism creates the conditions to access the works on display: engagement of visitors, such as purchases and social media activity operate as a stream of credit, which allow the works to remain on view. Follow left gallery on twitter or subscribe to the mailinglist, and the time to see the complete works increases; unlike its pages, and access may be denied. A purchase made through left gallery anywhere in the world extends the display of the works at stroom den haag. So long as sufficient credit remains, visitors can access all works within the project.