habib william kherbek is the writer of the novels 'ecology of secrets' (2013), 'ultralife' (2016), 'new adventures' (2020), and 'best practices' (2021).
His poetry collections include the following titles 'ephemera' (2014), 'retrodiction' (2016), 'pull factor' (2016), '26 ideologies for aspiring ideologists' (2018), and 'everyday luxuries' (2018). His short story collection 'twenty terrifying tales from our technofeudal tomorrow' was published in 2021.
kherbek's journalism has appeared in numerous publications including flash art, berlin artlink, aqnb, and Map magazine. his collected art writings are available under the title 'entropia: the childhood of a critic' (2021).
kherbek was awarded a fellowship at the critical studies department of the sandberg institute (amsterdam) in 2020 to expand his essay 'technofeudalism and the tragedy of the commons' - (originally published in the journal 'doggerland' (2016) - to book length. the result is available from left gallery with the title 'technofeudalism rising' (2021).