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June 2020

rainbow sherbet .book

merch by min guhong mfg., June 2020


the total is 50.96 USD (42.82 + 19% tax)


“This book is hard to explain. Or, if this book can be explained by a few words, then you may say that Rainbow Sherbet has failed fundamentally.”

“The book is ostensibly about the work of Min Guhong Manufacturing, a parasite ‘corporation’ that lives off the publisher and graphic design studio Workroom. Its founder, Min Guhong, is a writer, editor, translator, designer, and a software developer, but probably not in that order. The corporation produces practical and speculative ‘products,’ from video games and computer softwares to short novels and music playlists. One of the recurring themes of the diverse products is self-reflexivity: after all, many of them are about Min Guhong Manufacturing itself.”

“written by byul.org, song seungeon, jang ucheol, han yuju, laurel schwulst, kim nuiyeon, kim hyungjin, and yoon juli. edited by yoon juli. designed by sulki and min. published by archive bomm and workroom spector.”

further information on http://www.sulki-min.com/wp/rainbow-sherbet (english), http://www.sulki-min.com/wp/rainbow-sherbet-kr (korean), and http://workroompress.kr/books/rainbow-sherbet (korean)

“including the shipping fee”