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April 2021

NTFs_aaajiao .ZIP

NFT by aaajiao, April 2021


3.0 ETH
token 1 / 1  
purchase includes:
Encrypted Zip File, Owner's Rights and Obligations, (Contact Transfer Gallery for zip file password)


NTFs_aaajiao is an encrypted .ZIP file folder that contains four images. Freely available to download but locked and encrypted, only the collector who acquire’s the work through a NFT transaction will receive the password to unlock the folder’s contents. This password is aaajiao’s common password found in the Social Engineering data, i.e. the password that has been cracked publicly. The file icons themselves have been edited, with a superimposed self-portrait of the artist. With contents not visible to the public, the image of the ZIP folder in its finder window container is the only visual representation available.

About The Purchase

The metadata file for this NFT points to an image that represents the zip file. Instructions on how to obtain the ZIP file and its password, are exclusively available through a private link that can only be transferred via the previous collector, TRANSFER, or left.gallery. To obtain the ZIP file, password, and its contents, collector must contact the gallery after purchasing.

Medium: ZIP file (Contents unknown)

Dimensions: ZIP file contents unknown

Edition: 1+1AP

Preventative Conservation

Collectors are encouraged to retain an archival package for this work, which can be requested from TRANSFER at the time of purchase and may include thumb drives containing the work and a detailed artist questionnaire. In lieu of the full package, collectors are encouraged to download and preserve the digital collector's package on at least two external hard drives of their choice, stored in two separate geographic locations. Files should be migrated to new external hard drives every 3-5 years.


Collectors should be mindful of resolution and size of the work they receive, so that they may avoid distorting the work. Under no circumstances can the file(s) be edited. Collector acknowledges that if they do not choose to purchase an archival package, they may not be receiving work at its highest quality output or in a state which allows the work to be maintained in perpetuity.


The Artist or their estate retains copyright of the work, and of all images of the work.

Transfer of Ownership

The work and all contents of the collector package must accompany any assignment or sale of the work. Seller must contact artist to complete resale compensation. The seller is obligated to confirm 50% of gross sale price has been paid to the artist and deliver the full archival package to the purchaser in order to complete title transfer for this artwork.

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